Experiences, Father and Son, Firsts, Life, Love, Milestone, Parenting

Play date



This afternoon our friend Taryn messaged us to join her and Jordan(her son) who is two months younger than JJ at the local Papachinos. We got there and JJ didn’t want anything to do with anyone and wouldn’t let my leg go. For no reason at all! It’s not like this was our first time out in public, but somehow, our little man just wasn’t feeling comfy about the environment .. or so it seemed!

We relaxed and had awesome conversation and caught up on how our sons had progressed, developed and had grown since we last saw each other at Jordan’s birthday earlier this year. All this time though, little Jordi was out in the play area clearly having a ball of a time with the caretakers and the various forms of jungle gyms.

Jordi eventually tired and came back to the table for a bit of a munch with JJ. Was really interesting to watch these two young men. They at the age that they don’t play together but in the same environment. Both passed a glance at each other, I’m sure I saw a nod too, and both returned to their plate of chips. Yes, I dare say that is how they interact now with each other, not passing a word but rather a glance or two that clearly says more. It wasn’t too long and our boys wanted to go to the play area. Young JJ insisted on being placed on the floor and announced “dah…dah..” and moved a few steps in the direction of the play area. Off we trodded into the play area, where JJ immediately went off to his favourite apparatus .. the slide. Just listening to him giggle away as he slid down was awesome!

Having fun sliding down ..
Having fun sliding down ..

I find it so amazing that in the last two months our man just keeps transforming. More and more he is growing in confidence in his own abilities. What may have been or seemed like a challenge to him two weeks back .. isn’t anymore. For example usually he is content with just walking around the area and sliding up and down the slides. Today, I tested him by placing him in one of the higher slides requiring him to venture out on his own .. climb a step or two before reaching the last slide. He surprised me by actually following all these steps like he had done it before. No guidance from me either!

Today has really been a day full of surprises from our JJ. His nanny baked him some biscuits on Wednesday and he watched where I had stored them. You need to appreciate how much he loves these butter biscuits, you can find the recipe under Yummi Easy Biscuits. I was in the lounge this morning watching a TV when he again goes dah…dah and starts walking towards the kitchen, at the same time he is sure to watch if I’m following him. I stand up and walk towards the kitchen where he is standing and pointing up at the biscuit tin and uttering dah …dah. You will note that the dah..dah currently has various meanings, from give, to take, to lift me .. you get the drift right. Too precious a moment for me. It was the first time our young man had communicated or rather explicitly expressed his wishes to me. He is really growing up … isn’t he.

Right now he is asleep, I think the afternoon activities were “hectic” for him. We got home, bathed and I gave him some milk with Milo. He polished it and I took him to his room and placed him onto his bed. I wasn’t even down the passage when he was out for the count.

Tomorrow is nog another dag!